Growing up, I had a vivid imagination with lots of imaginary playmates and stuffed animals to keep me company. I even had crayon box adventures where the colors had a kingdom and tales to tell. And who says pink is a girl color? In my world, he was a prince.
From the time I could form my letters, this translated into fanciful writings from poems on eye shadow (I was six) to a story about an Island world I created with animals and people. Writing was something I always did.
But it never clicked. I drifted in and out of genres, mystery, animal stories, thrillers, toying with it, playing at it. I would finish some projects and store them away. It never occurred to me that this pastime could be my life's passion if I let it. Until my world collided with rediscovery.
As a teenager, I devoured books, especially romances but drifted out of the genre as an adult. On a weekend trip to the beach, I read four romance novels. I had a flash of inspiration. I could write these! Romance was where my heart lay. Within six weeks I had written my first romance novel.
I went back and revamped a thriller that I had written a few years before, making it a romance. And I became serious about my craft, trying to soak in all I could about writing. I began to write on a roleplay loop and the practice has been invaluable. I've cut my teeth there and learned what works in writing and what doesn't. And I've finally accepted who I am. A storyteller at heart, be it tales told to my children, an erotic piece about lovers or about a vampire looking for love.
So come with me and take a journey where, just like in my crayon box, things aren't always what they seem.