Publisher · Liquid Silver Books
Release Date · April 2010
eBook ISBN · 978-1-59578-701-9
Genre · SF/Futuristic
Length · Novella
Blackguard only wants to get back to the war his planet is fighting, but instead, he's picking up a woman. A seeker morph. She's been promised to him to cement an alliance his world desperately needs. When he's betrayed and all his men are killed, he's forced to flee without his promised morph.
Only a pod opens in the back of his shuttle.
The seeker morph, Annalisse, emerges. She's awake from stasis and is now in a sexual heat. Her body is demanding that she bond, and Blackguard is only too willing to fulfill her needs, except that he also must keep them safe from the enemies who betrayed him. Annalisse will become whatever the man she bonds with desires, only she finds Blackguard wants a woman much like she already is.
It's a race to a communications array that will allow him to get them off the planet in one piece. But once they lift off, Blackguard must resume his duties as ruler, which requires him to abandon Annalisse.
Will Blackguard seek out the woman he never knew he sought? Will Annalisse find the man who allowed her to stay true to herself?

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4.5 Stars! "This short story by Ms. Armstrong will have you sitting on the edge of your seat and you won't want to put the book down at all. With an opening scene that starts with a bang, Seek and You Shall Find is erotic romance at its best. [...] I thoroughly enjoyed this story and hoped it never ended."
—Aggie Tsirikas, Just Erotic Romance Reviews
4.5 Diamonds! "The book has an interesting cast of characters who face not only danger from around them but also battles between themselves. Sexual tension is constant and is one of their obstacles. From the very beginning I felt strongly for the hero and was pleased to find the heroine was much more than just a purely sexual being."
—Starla Kaye, Got Erotic Romance Reviews
4.5 Lips! "Seek And You Shall Find by Mechele Armstrong took me into the cosmos and into a war between planets. The fast-paced action thrilled me, while the heady passion kept building as the story progressed. I enjoyed Annalisse's grit and determination to stand by her man, and Blackguard's obsession with finding the betrayers and exacting punishment. I'd recommend this short but exciting read to any number of people."
—Sin, TwoLips Reviews
Blue Ribbon Rating: 3.5! "Mechele Armstrong has a strong release in SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND. Blackguard had to search long and hard as to what is in his heart and when he did, he found the woman of his dreams!"
—Natalie, Romance Junkies

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Copyright © 2010 Mechele Armstrong
"This is Pegasus, over and out."
"Bolero." The code name for a rescue.
"Ten four." The voice came over again. "Anticipated in forty."
Forty minutes? They must be further out than he'd previously thought. "They'll be here in forty minutes. We should lay low in here." They'd hear anyone coming because of the rocks. The building would keep them protected and also hide them until his ship could arrive and transport them.
"Okay." She sidled up closer to him. "Sounds good to me." Her body came within millimeters of his. Her heat blazed him. Her face took on a look of teasing. "Forty whole minutes. That's a long time."
He didn't move away. It wasn't long. Not nearly long enough. Not when he wanted to toss her against the wall and take her as many different ways as he knew. He didn't say anything. Once they got back to his ship, they'd have all the time...
Actually they wouldn't. When he got back to his ship, he'd be involved in finding out what he could about the betrayal. Smoothing over political factions. Punishing those who'd killed his men unless they'd already perished.
There would be no time for her until that was settled. He frowned. Didn't like having to wait for his pleasure with her. But duty came first.
She placed her hand on the left side of his chest. Didn't stroke, only laid it there. But even that contact affected him. Made his skin tingle. She was such a sorceress.
He sucked in a breath. How could she be so warm in a room that had such a chill? Maybe her sexual heat gave her warmth. But how did she make him burn when they were in a cool place? Fire licked at the roots of his desire. The root of his cock.
Her hand lightly pressed into his chest. "I feel your heart beating."
He swallowed. Still didn't respond. He could stop her from touching him. But why? The ship had been called. He'd been tortured during their whole run from the shuttle with the desire of her. Nothing indicated they'd been spotted or were in any danger at the moment. They had forty minutes before his ship would touch down.
Maybe there was a lot they could accomplish in forty minutes.
Her other hand crept down to his pants, lingering over his stomach and lower chest before she stroked his skin under the waistband of his pants.
She tilted her head to the side. "Your heart sped up."
"Your hand went close to my cock. Of course my heart rate sped up."
"What do you think my hand is going to do now?" Her voice sounded mischievous. He'd never heard her use that tone before, though she'd teased him in the short time they'd been together.
"Touch me."
"Is that what you think I'll do? Or what you want me to do?"